At the meeting on ferry ticketing, Tom Weller, Public Works Engineer, stated that “despite concerns, there will be no changes to handicap parking spaces.”
After listening to what Mr. Weller said in the video, he indicated that this was for the term now only, and then stated if electric ferry funding is approved, they will meet minimum ADA standards.
The presentation held in November shows the 5 disabled spots reduced to 3, the 2 temporary drop off spots are entirely removed, and the bus turnaround area is gone.
Despite saying they listened to our ADA concerns, the plan that was submitted to the city of Anacortes this spring was the same that we were presented in November. The plan did not change -5 handicap spaces will be 3, the 2 temporary load/unload spaces gone, and no place for a bus or emergency vehicle to turnaround.
If funding for the ferry is approved, this will be forever altered and instead of improving accessibility, their plan is to decrease it dramatically.
– Cindy Kamp