June 16 (Father’s Day) from 2 to 4 at the Community Center
.This year’s Strawberry Sundae Social will be held at the Guemes Island Community Centere on June 16, from 2 to 4 pm. This event, hosted by Groundfloor Guemes, a committee within GICCA, has become an annual happy tradition – a day to visit with family and friends and celebrate all fathers while supporting a non-profit island organization. All proceeds from this year’s event will benefit GET, the Guemes Emergency Team, formerly known as CERT.
GET members will be at the Strawberry Sundae Social with information about emergency planning for our island. GET is currently developing preparations in case of a serious island emergency, one in which traditional communication systems may be lacking, beds may be needed, traditional food sources may be inadequate, and food preparation and distribution may need to be carried out in innovative ways. Much work has already been done, especially in the area of island communication. They are working on many other projects which will help us during such an emergency. Learn from the GET team how each of us can help, whether by filling a need for volunteers, knowledge, or donations. GET will have more information at the Social.
Join fellow islanders for a delicious dish of ice cream topped with fresh Skagit Valley strawberries, lots of smiles, and a big helping of emergency preparedness.