Everyone loves more property taxes. Continuously rising property taxes are one of the great benefits bestowed upon the residents of Guemes Island. If you love the thought of paying higher property taxes, no need to read further.On the August 6th ballot, you have an opportunity to vote against Joint Proposition No. 1 – Fidalgo Metropolitan Recreation District (MRD). This newly created taxing district expands the current Fidalgo Park and Recreation District to include all of the homes within the Anacortes School District boundary, which includes adding Guemes Island, Cypress Island, Sinclair Island and Vendovi Island.
In addition to Guemes Island being included in this newly created taxing district, this proposition takes away any right to vote for future levies from all of the citizens and instead puts it in the hands of the 5 person commission to decide the tax rate.
The argument for the MRD in the voter pamphlet uses the current levy rate of $.0945 per $1,000 of assessed value as an example of a potential financial impact. What it fails to say is that according to RCW 35.61, the maximum rate that could be charged is $.75 per $1,000 of home assessed value. In fact, RCW 35.61.020 clearly states “The proposition must state the maximum regular levy rate.” This was deliberately left off of the ballot because on day one if proposition is approved, the 5 commissioners could actually vote to have the new rate be ANY AMOUNT up to $.75 per $1,000 of assessed home value.
Current voted by citizens levy rate:
$.0945 per $1,000 of $1,000,000 assessed home value would be $94.50/year.
New max allowed rate under MRD:
$.75 per $1,000 of $1,000,000 assessed home value would be $750.00/year.
Current rate for Guemes Island: $0.00
In a meeting with Rob Peterson, Executive Director from the Fidalgo Pool, he estimated about 45 people from Guemes Island use the pool a year – they would save $.50 a visit under the proposal. He stated it was unlikely any of these funds would ever go to fund a pool on Guemes Island.
I am supportive of identifying creative ways to fund a new pool, but THIS PROPOSITION DOES NOT FUND A NEW POOL. It is strictly for funding operations and maintenance expenses of the current pool, which is presently funded through a citizen’s levy vote.
As consumers of the ferry, we have recently felt the financial pain when operations and maintenance expenses are at the mercy of 3 people. With this proposition, you can make your voice clear that you want to be able to have a say on what your property tax rate is – not have your personal finances decided by the vote of 5.
Here is the link to RCW 35.61 so you can see all the new powers that would take effect if Proposition 1 is approved: https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=35.61
Please consider voting NO against the Metropolitan Recreation District on August 6.
– Commentary by Cindy Kamp
Skagit County Registered Voter/Guemes Island Homeowner/Resident