30% fare increase beginning January 1!
In what County is that OK?
Whatcom County fare increase 3.5%. Pierce County fare increase 3.5%. Is the ferry service in Skagit County 26.5% more efficient? Does the Guemes ferry have more scheduled runs? Later hours? Complimentary coffee and donuts?
Parking fees? Why would anyone “pay” to park their car in an unsecured parking lot? With cameras that don’t work or are not monitored? Will persons parking in these unsecured lots have to police their own vehicles, stripe the parking spaces, and purchase the lightbulbs?
Fare fee for Emergency vehicles? Guemes Island has a volunteer fire/EMT department. If volunteers can get out of bed at 3:00AM and get a person with possible a life threatening emergency to the ferry dock. Why can’t there be a volunteer ferry run? Cars/people queued, sometimes wait at length for these Med runs to complete. They may not like it but their patience is a tiny bit of Community service.
Turning on cars flashing lights and going to front of the line has always been accepted for non-ambulance needed medical emergencies. I have used it personally, for an anaphylactic episode after having used an epi pen, for time to get to ER. When did that change Mr. Browning?
Abolishing multi use punch cards? Valid for 45 days? Eliminating discounts? Doesn’t sound rider friendly for anyone, and more work for everyone. Never a good idea.
Can’t these outrageous actions by Skagit County be construed as punitive? Certainly appears so!
-Commentary by MJ Andrak