Irish National PoetryPrize Winner Tony Curtis Reads on September 28, 1:30 ‒ 3:30 p.m.
The Skagit River Poetry Foundation will host a poetry reading by Irish national poetry prizewinner Tony Curtis at the Spirit of Guemes/Community Church on Saturday, September 28, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Curtis, who has read frequently on Guemes Island, and most recently last May at the memorial services for Anne McCracken, will be reading new poems from his latest work—a chapbook of poems about his beloved friends Phil and Anne McCracken. Curtis, a presenter who makes you understand why the Irish love poetry so much, is the author of 16 books of poetry, the most recent being This Flight Tonight.
Curtis is in the United States to be a guest poet at the upcoming Skagit River Poetry Festival from October 3‒5 in LaConner (see The Poetry Festival was co-founded in 2000 by Anne McCracken to bring a diversity of professional poets to Skagit County high school students to encourage the development of their literacy and creativity. The reading is free, but donations are encouraged to support the Skagit River Poetry Foundation.
The Spirit of Guemes/Community Church is at 7611 Guemes Island Road.