Proposal Description
The proposal would amend SCC 14.24.380 – Seawater Intrusion Areas within the Skagit County Critical Areas Ordinance. The amendment would require applicants to submit an application and supporting materials for review prior to drilling a well in a seawater intrusion area within a sole source aquifer. Currently, Skagit County Code 14.24.380(2)(a) requires “an application proposing use of a well” to be “submitted for review prior to drilling any new well.” These requirements are only applicable when a development application is submitted which includes the use of a well on site. The new proposed language would require any applicant who wishes to drill a well in a sole source aquifer to submit an application, regardless of a development proposal.
More information and documents related to the proposal are available at the website above.
SEPA Threshold Determination
On October 3, 2023, Skagit County issued a SEPA Determination of Non-Significance for this proposal as part of the 2023 Docket of Proposed Policy, Code, and Map Amendments. Skagit County determined that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement was not required under the State Environmental Policy Act, RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). The determination was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency and is available upon request and at the above listed website. Pursuant to SCC 16.12.210, no administrative appeal process is available for this legislative action.
How to Comment
Option 1: Email comments are preferred and must be sent to pdscomments@co.skagit.wa.us with the proposal name (“Sole Source Aquifer Seawater Intrusion Amendment”) in the subject line. Include your comments in the body of your email message rather than as attachments.
Option 2: Paper comments must be printed on 8½x11 paper and mailed or delivered to:
Planning and Development Services
Comments on “Sole Source Aquifer Seawater Intrusion Amendment”
1800 Continental Place
Mount Vernon WA 98273
All comments must be received by the deadline referenced above and include your full name and mailing address. Comments not meeting these requirements will not be considered.
Option 3: You may also comment in person. If you wish to provide verbal testimony, please send an email to pdscomments@co.skagit.wa.us, with your name, phone number, and include a request to be added to the speakers list in the body of the email. Public hearing testimony is usually limited to three minutes, so written comments are preferred.
Anyone who plans to attend the public hearing and has special needs or disabilities should contact Planning and Development Services at (360) 416-1320 at least 96 hours before the hearing to discuss and arrange any special accommodations.